The college song, as it was sung from1947 to 1964-65 was completely different from the one we know and sing today. The words were entirely different, with a greater focus on the guiding light of Mary, Star of the Sea.
The College Song - (1947-1965)
We students gather here Our College to revere,
Our loyalty to sing, until the echoes ring !
0 Stella Maris, dear !
Our hearts will ever pray
That thy dear light, our beacon bright
May shine along life's way-
That thy pure light, our Star so bright
May bless our every day.
In Truth and Charity
Let our dear Motto be ;
The torch that burns-the hope that yearns
Towards true Fraternity !-
And may our souls aspire, with great ideals afire
To stainless Purity !
The years may come and go
0 Stella Maris dear,
May each succeeding year
Bring hearts more noble here ;
That God may bless our happiness-
Stella Maris, our College dear !
But thy Star here below
Shall kindle Heaven's light,
A constellation bright!
O Alma Mater blest, we love thy gentle crest.
May its sweet ray turn night to day,
And lead us to its Light-
Oh! bid us shine with light like thine
Of Charity divine.
The present college song was introduced in the year 1964-65 and the words and melody remained unchanged until the year 2006-07. In the following year a slight change was made in the words, and in the second line of the second stanza, the words ‘by stainless purity’ were replaced by 'by truth and charity'.
The College Song - (1965-2007)
Alma Mater, our youthful hearts in chorus
Sing of their love and loyalty today:
Proudly we bear thy crest aloft and hail thee
Guide of our lives and star of our way!
Stella Maris, shine on our lives forever
Until our souls are radiant with thy light.
Star of the Sea, our eyes shall seek thy guidance
When storms arise and day gives way to night
Star of the Sea, draw us ever upwards,
Along life's way with thy beacon bright,
Goodness and Truth, great ideals of virtue,
Love ruling all, our courage and our might.
Alma Mater, our youthful souls are offered
By sacrifice, by stainless purity,
Sweet be our days in this our home beloved,
Sweet be the memories we cherish of thee.
Alma Mater our dear India awaits thee,
Mother of hearts both generous and brave,
Give to our country heroines and patriots,
Hearts that will serve, devotion that will save.
The College Song - (2007 onwards)
Alma Mater, our youthful hearts in chorus
Sing of their love and loyalty today:
Proudly we bear thy crest aloft and hail thee
Guide of our lives and star of our way!
Stella Maris, shine on our lives forever
Until our souls are radiant with thy light
Star of the Sea, our eyes shall seek thy guidance
When storms arise and day gives way to night
Star of the Sea, draw us ever upwards,
Along life's way with thy beacon bright,
Goodness and Truth, great ideals of virtue,
Love ruling all, our courage and our might.
Alma Mater, our youthful souls are offered
By sacrifice, by truth and charity,
Sweet be our days in this our home beloved,
Sweet be the memories we cherish of thee.
Alma Mater our dear India awaits thee,
Mother of hearts both generous and brave.
Give to our country heroines and patriots,
Hearts that will serve, devotion that will save.
In the year 2011-2012, slight changes were made in the melody and tempo of the song. The song was also officially recorded and is now played at all college functions.
The College song as it is sung today.
Ms. Kamalakshi Srinivasan of the Department of Tamil had translated the College song into Tamil in the year 1980. Ms. J. Jananiy, the student of the Department of Economics, Kalaimaamani Awardee- 2018, composed the tune and sung in 2016. The song was released on 12 January 2017 by the former Principal, Dr. Sr. Jasintha Quadras fmm.

From left to right: Sr. Susan, the Secretary, Dr.Sr. Jasintha Quadras fmm, the Principal, Kalaimaamani Ms. S.J.Jananiy, Dr. Alice Joseph, Head of The Department of Tamil.