Stella Maris believes in going the extra mile for its students. The College provides a gamut of services including financial assistance, career guidance, mentoring, remedial coaching, and many more. These services aim to enhance the students’ skills and prepare them for the challenges that await them in the world outside.

Government Scholarships
- SC / ST Special Scholarship
- BC Scholarship
- MBC Scholarship
- Minority Scholarship
- Chief Minister's Prize Money Award
- Arunachal Pradeh Award of Stipend
Private Scholarships
- Maharani Vidyavathi Devi of Vizhiyanagaram Trust
- UDIS Forum
- Sri Sai Trust
- University of Madras Endowment
- Shri K R Sundarajan Charities from meenakshi College for Women
- Sree Venkateswara Students Hostel
- The Tamil Nadu Education Trust
- Shri M Bhakthavatsalam Centenary Celebration Committee Trust
- Shree Banaskantha Palanpur Jain Association
Education is meant to be inclusive and Stella Maris has always followed an open door policy for students from disadvantaged sections of society. The College offers scholarships to deserving students. On a merit-cum-need basis, students may apply for Management, Private and Government scholarships. Fee concessions are also available.

Choosing the right career is not easy in this age of multifarious opportunities. The Career Guidance Cell (CGC), a branch of the Stella Maris Alumnae Association, offers career guidance and conducts training programmes. It facilitates Campus Recruitment for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Career oriented training programmes are organized for final year students. In the second half of the academic year, the CGC focuses on organizing campus placement drives, career guidance programmes and orientation on options for higher education.

A good mentor can make a world of difference to a student who has to deal with several challenges in life and academics. Under the mentoring system, faculty members offer students both academic and personal guidance. Mentors meet their wards thrice every semester and keep a record of their progress in the mentoring book provided to each student.

Slow learners don’t get left behind at Stella Maris. Course teachers arrange remedial coaching for slow learners in all the undergraduate departments. This extra coaching helps first-generation learners, students from the vernacular medium and slow learners to cope with the challenge of higher education.

Many students are often clueless when it comes to writing term papers and assignments. The writing centre addresses this problem by helping students who need guidance in writing term papers or assignments. The centre is attached to the Department of English and improves the writing skills of students specifically in the areas of grammar, content organization and writing style.

This unique English language support programme was recently launched by the English department. It helps students hone their skills in spoken English. Teaching is done on a one-to-one basis by peer teachers and is monitored by the faculty in charge of the programme.

At Stella Maris, every department has a book bank. Students who cannot afford to buy the prescribed textbooks may borrow them from the book bank and keep them for their personal use either for the entire semester or for a shorter period of time, depending on the demand and the number of books available.

The motto of the Stella Maris Pathways program is "Pathways to Opportunities." This programme helps students from disadvantaged sections of society to become academically and socially competent individuals. Training sessions for undergraduate students are conducted throughout the year. Students gain self-confidence through workshops on personality development. They are also trained in computer skills, language and communication skills and employability skills.

The Counselling Centre caters to the specific emotional and psychological needs of the students. Two trained counsellors and a clinical psychologist are available from 11 a.m to 2 p.m., and at other times by prior appointment.

The campus has an infirmary where students who suddenly fall ill are taken care of until their guardians arrive to take them home. A lady doctor is on call three days of the week between 12 and 2 pm. She is assisted by a trained nurse who is available every day.

The College has been offering coaching for the Civil Services exams since November 2009.